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Thursday, August 18, 2011


This month is the "Continue Learning" theme in our ward, whether it be taking a class, memorizing a scripture {or two, or three, or more}, teaching someone else a skill or learning a new one of your own...the possibilities are endless. So This week I handed these out:
                                             In this pencil box:
With this quote: 
 and this scripture:
 I used sticker paper from Staples and made them on my Hallmark create a card as a word strip with the apple and worm clipart I found on the internet to separate the messages. This was super easy and took no time, even though it looks like it would. Happy Provident Week!
What's up your sleeve? 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fire Drills

When I was seeking inspiration for the topic of fire drills, I kept thinking of whistles. I was envisioning silver referee whistles. But of course those would be too expensive, so I racked my brain and priced them out until I found 8/$1 at the Dollar Tree.
                                                I love the Dollar Tree!
 Then I found this catchy little saying on one site and this image on another using google search image:
So I  lamenated it, punched a hole and strung them on a string of yarn for a fire drill patrol necklace. (Just a little thing I learned reading an Arthur book my children have)

Hope this gives you some inspiration. Maybe you'll come up with something better!
Have a Provident week!